Dressing Miles Vorkosigan

I have made three Miles Vorkosigan costumes so far, and not one of them is the Dendarii Mercenaries uniform.

From 1998 to the present, I've been working on variants of the Barrayaran Imperial undress greens, the uniform worn daily by most officers in Imperial Service.

In 2000 I sewed (my first really big sewing project) a grey auditor suit. In retrospect, it had a lot of problems, and I haven't written up a web page for it yet.

In 2002 I made a suit of Vorkosigan house livery. It has its own page.

In 2007 I made a matching Vorkosigan house onesie for out firstborn son.

written by Chris Bertani, 23 June 2003, updated 7 July 2007

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